Jackson "Grimbo" Henderson
Voice Actor | 23 Years old (13th June) | located in the UK | He/They | Neumann TLM 103 XLR microphone, Solid State Logic 2 audio interface within a home studio (Noise floor: -79 DB)Download: 31.5 mbps | Upload: 9.21 mbps
Contact Info
Casting call club
Projects I feature in
Faceless gang members - jawbreaker Horror game 1 2
Game Dev - INSERT GAME HERE Indie Game
Kuprum Maxlol - Friendsim 2 VN
Moses - WildTrials Audio drama
Alex - RUNAWAY Audio drama
More on the way!
JP Karliak - Character Creation, Copy work and world building
Danielle McRae - One on One coaching
Experience acting and voice work through out school
Jacob Barrens - One on One coaching
Casey Mongillo - Coaching and Demo Direction